Documentation for the Code¶
Quick Find¶
Enter point of the program.
(folderTrain, folder, threshold=0.3, k_fold=5, quantization=24, maxOrder=20, time_representation=False, zero_padding=True, long_term_only=False, short_term_only=False, viewPoints=['pitch', 'length'])[source]¶ Function used in The music of silence. Part II: Cortical Predictions during Silent Musical Intervals ( It computes the probabily to have a note in each natural musical silences (using only the duration/rythm dimension).
(folderTrain, folder, k_fold=5, quantization=24, maxOrder=20, time_representation=False, zero_padding=True, long_term_only=False, short_term_only=False, viewPoints=['pitch', 'length'], genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Train a model (or load it if already saved) and evaluate it on the passed folder. Computed the surprise signal for each file in the folder
(folder, quantization=24, maxOrder=20, time_representation=False, zero_padding=True, long_term_only=False, short_term_only=False, viewPoints=['pitch, length'])[source]¶ Train a model with the midi files contained in the passed folder.
(folder, nb_pieces=20, quantization=24, maxOrder=20, time_representation=False, zero_padding=True, long_term_only=False, short_term_only=False, viewPoints=['pitch', 'length'], intialization='')[source]¶ Train iteratively on the passed folder (can be also initialized with western data) and generate the prediction error for each piece along the training. This allows to look at the dynamics of learning during training.
(folder)[source]¶ Function that check if the dataset is corrupted (contains duplicates). Does not delete automatically!
(folder, k_fold=10, maxOrder=20, quantization=24, time_representation=False, zero_padding=True, long_term_only=False, short_term_only=False, viewPoints=['pitch', 'length'], genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Cross-validate by training on on k-1 folds of the folder and evaluate on the remaining fold k_fold = -1 means leave-one-out
Class IDyOM¶
(maxOrder=24, viewPoints=['pitch', 'length'], dataTrain=None, dataTrial=None, stm=True, evolutive=False)[source]¶ This module represent the entire model, this is what you want to interact with if you only want to use the model.
Parameters: - maxOrder (int) – maximal order of the model
- viewPoints (list of strings) – viewPoint to use, cf. data.getViewPoints()
(file, threshold, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False, normalization=True, genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood over a score
Parameters: folder – file to compute likelihood on Returns: np.array(length)
(folder, threshold, zero_padding=True, time_representation=False, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood over a all dataset
Parameters: - folder – folder to compute likelihood on
- zero_padding (bool) – return surprise as spikes if True
Returns: a list of np.array(length)
(model, context, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False)[source]¶ Return the entropy (genuine, not approximated) given a context
Parameters: - model – the idyom model to use
- context – the sequence of previous notes
Returns: entropy as a float
(model, context, nextNote, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood of a not given a context
Parameters: - model – the idyom model to use
- context – the sequence of previous notes
- nextNote – the note to compute the likelihood of
Returns: likelihood as a float
(file, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood over a score with the genuine entropy computation (not the approx)
Parameters: folder – file to compute likelihood on Returns: np.array(length)
(file, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood over a score (using entropy approximation)
Parameters: folder – file to compute likelihood on Returns: np.array(length)
(file, zero_padding=False, time_representation=False, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False, genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Return surprise(-log2(p)) over a score
Parameters: - folder – file to compute surprise on
- zero_padding (bool) – return surprise as spikes if True
Returns: list of float
(folder, zero_padding=True, time_representation=False, short_term_only=False, long_term_only=False, genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Return likelihood over a all dataset
Parameters: - folder – folder to compute likelihood on
- zero_padding (bool) – return surprise as spikes if True
Returns: a list of np.array(length)
(probas, weights, b=1)[source]¶ Merging probabilities from different models, for now we use arithmetic mean
Parameters: Returns: merged probabilities (float)
Class LTM¶
(viewPoint, maxOrder=1, STM=False, init=None, evolutive=False)[source]¶ Module implementing the Long Term Model from IDyOM, this model contains several Markov Chains of different orders weighted by their respective shanon entropy.
Parameters: -
(length)[source]¶ Implement a very easy random walk in order to generate a sequence
Parameters: length (int) – length of the generated sequence (in elements, not beat so it depends on the quantization) Returns: sequence (np.array())
(state, genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Return shanon entropy of the distribution of the model from a given state
Parameters: Returns: entropy (float)
(state)[source]¶ Return the maximum entropy for an alphabet. This is the case where all element is equiprobable.
Parameters: state (list or str(list)) – state to compute from Returns: maxEntropy (float)
(state, note)[source]¶ Returns the likelihood of a note given a state
Parameters: - state (np.array(length)) – a sequence of viewPoint data, cf. data.getData(viewPoint)
- note (int or string) – the interger or name of the note
Returns: float value of the likelihood
(sequence)[source]¶ Returns the probability distribution from a given state
Parameters: sequence (np.array(length)) – a sequence of viewPoint data, cf. data.getData(viewPoint) Returns: dictionary | dico[z] = P(z|sequence) (float)
(state, genuine_entropies=False)[source]¶ Return the relative entropy H(m)/Hmax(m). It is used for weighting the merging of models without bein affected by the alphabet size.
Parameters: state (list or str(list)) – state to compute from Returns: entropy (float)
(probas, weights, b=1)[source]¶ Merging probabilities from different orders, for now we use arithmetic mean
Parameters: Returns: merged probabilities (float)
Class markovChain¶
(order, depth=0, VERBOSE=False, STM=False, evolutive=False)[source]¶ Module defining MarkovChain model and usefull functions for the project
Parameters: - alphabetSize – number of elements in the alphabet
- VERBOSE (bool) – print some strange behoviors, for example if asking for unknwown states
(state)[source]¶ Return shanon entropy of the distribution of the model from a given state
Parameters: state (list or str(list)) – state to compute from Returns: entropy (float)
(state)[source]¶ Return the maximum entropy for an alphabet. This is the case where all element is equiprobable.
Parameters: state (list or str(list)) – state to compute from Returns: maxEntropy (float)
(state, note)[source]¶ Return the likelihood of a note given a state
Parameters: - state (np.array(order)) – a sequence of viewPoints such as len(state) = order
- note (int) – integer corresponding to the element
Returns: float value of the likelihood
()[source]¶ Return the transition matrix between states and notes
Returns: transition matrix (np.array())
(state)[source]¶ Return the probability distribution of notes from a given state
Parameters: state (str(np.array(order))) – a sequence of viewPoints such as len(state) = order Returns: dictionary | dico[note] = P(note|state)
(state)[source]¶ Return the relative entropy H(m)/Hmax(m). It is used for weighting the merging of models without bein affected by the alphabet size.
Parameters: state (list or str(list)) – state to compute from Returns: entropy (float)
Class Data¶
(quantization=24, viewpoints=None, deleteDuplicates=True)[source]¶ Class that embed all data processing: parsing midi, representating viewpoints, …
Parameters: - quantization (integer) – quantization, 16 means 1/16th of beat
- viewpoints (list of string) – Viewpoints to use, by default all are used (see data.availableViewPoints())
(files, augmentation=True)[source]¶ Parse a list of midi file
Parameters: files – files to parse
(s)[source]¶ Parse a midi file and return an internal representation
Parameters: file (string) – file to parse
(threshold_fast=10, threshold_slow=24)[source]¶ Augment data by playing the pieces faster or slower
(score, viewpoints)[source]¶ Function returning the viewpoint representation of the data for a given viewpoint. We separate the computations for different viewpoints so it’s easy to add some. If you want to add viewpoints you just have to change this function.
Parameters: - vector (list of int, or numpy array) – Vector to work with
- viewpoints (list of strings) – list of viewpoints
Returns: dictionnary
(viewpoint)[source]¶ Return data for a given viewpoint
Parameters: viewpoint (string) – viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints()) Returns: np.array((nbOfPieces, lengthMax))
(viewPoint, name, t)[source]¶ Return data for a given viewpoint, score and index
Parameters: - viewPoint (string) – viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints())
- name (string) – name of the score (by default name of the file)
- t (integer) – index
Returns: integer corresponding to the note (cf. data.intToNote())
(viewPoint, name)[source]¶ Return data for a given viewpoint and score
Parameters: - viewPoint (string) – viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints())
- name (string) – name of the score (by default name of the file)
Returns: np.array(lengthMax)
(piece)[source]¶ Returns the size of a given piece from its index :param piece: index of a piece
Returns: length of the piece (int)
(path)[source]¶ Loads a database from a previously saved pickle.
Parameters: path (str) – The path to the folder containing the data.
(path, name='database', augment=True)[source]¶ Construct the database of tuples from an existing midi database.