Source code for idyom.markovChain

from idyom import data

import numpy as np
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
import ast
import math
import warnings

DEBUG = False

[docs]class markovChain(): """ Module defining MarkovChain model and usefull functions for the project :param alphabetSize: number of elements in the alphabet :param VERBOSE: print some strange behoviors, for example if asking for unknwown states :type order: int :type VERBOSE: bool """ def __init__(self, order, depth=0, VERBOSE=False, STM=False, evolutive=False): # order of the model self.order = order # depth of the model self.depth = depth # Wehther it's an evolutive model self.evolutive = evolutive # store the number of occurences of the transitions self.observationsProbas = {} # alphabet of state of the data self.stateAlphabet = [] # alphabet of notes of the data self.alphabet = [] self.VERBOSE = VERBOSE # In order to store entropy self.entropies = {} # For tracking self.STM = STM # We store the number of observation for every state self.SUM = {} if order < 1: raise(ValueError("order should be grater than 0.")) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, markovChain): # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types return NotImplemented if not self.order == other.order : print("Different orders") elif not self.depth == other.depth: print("Different Depth") elif not self.SUM == other.SUM: print("Different SUM") elif not self.alphabet == other.alphabet: print("Different alphabet") elif not self.stateAlphabet == other.stateAlphabet: print("Different stateAlphabet") elif not self.STM == other.STM: print("Different STM") elif not self.observationsProbas == other.observationsProbas: print("Different Transitions") else: return True return False
[docs] def train(self, dataset, reverse=False, preComputeEntropies=False): """ Fill the matrix from data, len(data) should be greater than the order. :param data: pre-processed data to train with :type data: data object or list of int """ if not isinstance(dataset, list) : dataset = [dataset] self.usedScores = 0 for data in dataset: if len(data) < self.order + self.depth +1: #warnings.warn("We cannot train a model with less data than the order of the model, so we skip this data.") pass else: self.usedScores += 1 # iterating over data for i in range(len(data) - self.order - self.depth): # case of the reverse prediction, we take a state get the probability to come back to the current state if reverse is True: state = str(list(data[i+self.order + self.depth : i+self.order*2 + self.depth])) target_elem = str(list(data[i:i+self.order])[0]) else: state = str(list(data[i:i+self.order])) target_elem = str(list(data[i+self.order + self.depth : i+self.order*2 + self.depth])[0]) # constructing alphabet if state not in self.observationsProbas: self.stateAlphabet.append(state) self.SUM[state] = 0 self.observationsProbas[state] = {} if target_elem not in self.alphabet: self.alphabet.append(target_elem) # constructing state to note transitions if target_elem not in self.observationsProbas[state]: self.observationsProbas[state][target_elem] = 1 else: self.observationsProbas[state][target_elem] += 1 self.SUM[state] += 1 # We sort the alphabet self.alphabet.sort() self.stateAlphabet.sort() if preComputeEntropies and self.STM is False: for state in self.stateAlphabet: self.getEntropy(state)
def getProbability(self, state, target): if state in self.observationsProbas and target in self.observationsProbas[state]: return self.observationsProbas[state][target] / self.SUM[state] return 0. def getProbabilities(self, state): probabilities = {} for target in self.observationsProbas[state]: probabilities[target] = self.observationsProbas[state][target] / self.SUM[state] return probabilities
[docs] def getPrediction(self, state): """ Return the probability distribution of notes from a given state :param state: a sequence of viewPoints such as len(state) = order :type state: str(np.array(order)) :return: dictionary | dico[note] = P(note|state) """ # return a row in the matrix if not isinstance(state, str): state = str(list(state)) if state in self.observationsProbas: return self.getProbabilities(state) else: if self.VERBOSE: print("We never saw this state in database") dico = {} # if we never saw the state, all letter are equilikely for z in self.alphabet: dico[z] = 1/len(self.alphabet) return dico
[docs] def getLikelihood(self, state, note): """ Return the likelihood of a note given a state :param state: a sequence of viewPoints such as len(state) = order :param note: integer corresponding to the element :type state: np.array(order) :type note: int :return: float value of the likelihood """ # in order to work with numpy array and list if not isinstance(state, str): state = str(list(state)) if state in self.observationsProbas: pass else: if self.VERBOSE: print("We never saw this state in database.") # as we never saw this state in the database, every note is equiprobable if len(self.alphabet) > 0: return 1/len(self.alphabet) else: return None if str(note) in self.observationsProbas[state]: return self.getProbability(state, str(note)) else: if self.VERBOSE: print("We never saw this transition in database.") return 0.0
[docs] def getEntropyMax(self, state): """ Return the maximum entropy for an alphabet. This is the case where all element is equiprobable. :param state: state to compute from :type state: list or str(list) :return: maxEntropy (float) """ alphabetSize = len(self.getPrediction(state).keys()) maxEntropy = 0 for i in range(alphabetSize): maxEntropy -= (1/alphabetSize) * math.log(1/alphabetSize, 2) return maxEntropy
def getObservationsSum(self): ret = 0 for state in self.SUM: ret += self.SUM[state] return ret
[docs] def getEntropy(self, state): """ Return shanon entropy of the distribution of the model from a given state :param state: state to compute from :type state: list or str(list) :return: entropy (float) """ if not self.evolutive and not self.STM and str(list(state)) in self.entropies: return self.entropies[str(list(state))] # in order to work with numpy array and list if not isinstance(state, str): state = str(list(state)) # if the state was never seen, the entropy is the maximal entropy for |alphabet| if state not in self.observationsProbas: return -math.log(1/len(self.alphabet)) P = self.getPrediction(state).values() entropy = 0 for p in P: entropy -= p * math.log(p, 2) if not self.STM and not self.evolutive: self.entropies[state] = entropy return entropy
def getObservations(self, state): if str(list(state)) in self.SUM: return self.SUM[str(list(state))] else: return None
[docs] def getRelativeEntropy(self, state): """ Return the relative entropy H(m)/Hmax(m). It is used for weighting the merging of models without bein affected by the alphabet size. :param state: state to compute from :type state: list or str(list) :return: entropy (float) """ maxEntropy = self.getEntropyMax(state) if maxEntropy > 0: return self.getEntropy(state)/maxEntropy else: return 1
[docs] def save(self, file): """ Save a trained model :param file: path to the file :type file: string """ f = open(file, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, 2) f.close()
[docs] def load(self, path): """ Load a trained model :param path: path to the file :type path: string """ f = open(path, 'rb') tmp_dict = pickle.load(f) f.close() self.__dict__.update(tmp_dict)
[docs] def getMatrix(self): """ Return the transition matrix between states and notes :return: transition matrix (np.array()) """ matrix = np.zeros((len(self.stateAlphabet), len(self.alphabet))) k1 = 0 for state in self.stateAlphabet: k2 = 0 for target in self.alphabet: matrix[k1][k2] = self.getProbability(state, target) k2 += 1 k1 += 1 return matrix
[docs] def sample(self, S): """ Return a element sampled from the model given the sequence S :param S: sequence to sample from :type S: list of integers :return: sampled element (int) """ state = str(list(S[-self.order:])) if DEBUG: print("state:", state) print("sequence:", S) distribution = [] # We reconstruct the distribution according to the sorting of the alphabet for elem in self.alphabet: distribution.append(self.getLikelihood(state, elem)) ret = int(np.random.choice(self.alphabet, p=distribution)) return ret