Source code for

from idyom import myMidi

import os
from glob import glob
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS = ["pitch", "length", "interval", "velocity"]

[docs]class data(): """ Class that embed all data processing: parsing midi, representating viewpoints, ... :param quantization: quantization, 16 means 1/16th of beat :param viewpoints: Viewpoints to use, by default all are used (see data.availableViewPoints()) :type quantization: integer :type viewpoints: list of string """ def __init__(self, quantization=24, viewpoints=None, deleteDuplicates=True): # Path of the raw data self.folderPath = "" # Quantization to apply to the files self.quantization = quantization # True if we allow the program to delete duplicates self.deleteDuplicates = deleteDuplicates # Viewpoints to use, by default all self.viewpoints = viewpoints if self.viewpoints is None: self.viewpoints = AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS = []
[docs] def parse(self, path, name="database", augment=True): """Construct the database of tuples from an existing midi database. :param path: The path to the folder to load (must contain midi files). :param name: The name to give to the database object, optional. :type path: str :type name: str """ if os.path.isdir(path): self.path = path if name: = name else: = str(path) print() print("________ We are working on '" + path + "'") print() else: print("The path you gave is not a directory, please provide a correct directory.") raise RuntimeError("Invalid database directory") if not os.path.isdir(".TEMP"): os.makedirs(".TEMP") print("_____ Filling the database ...") print() # Number of skiped files skipedFiles = 0 # Total number of files N = 0 = [] self.files = [] for filename in glob(self.path+'/**', recursive=True): if filename[filename.rfind("."):] in [".mid", ".midi"]: if os.path.isfile(filename): print(" -", filename) try : self.files.append(filename) except RuntimeError: skipedFiles += 1 N += 1 print() print("We passed a total of ", N, "files.") print(skipedFiles,"of them have been skiped.") print() print("_____ Computing multiple viewpoints representation") self.getViewpointRepresentation() if augment is True: print("_____ Augmenting database ...") print() self.augmentData() #random.shuffle( print("Data processing done.")
[docs] def parseFile(self, filename, name="database", augment=False): """Construct the database of tuples from an existing midi database. :param path: The path to the folder to load (must contain midi files). :param name: The name to give to the database object, optional. :type path: str :type name: str """ if not os.path.isdir(".TEMP"): os.makedirs(".TEMP") # Number of skiped files skipedFiles = 0 # Total number of files N = 0 = [] self.files = [] if filename[filename.rfind("."):] in [".mid", ".midi"]: if os.path.isfile(filename): try : self.files.append(filename) except RuntimeError: skipedFiles += 1 N += 1 self.getViewpointRepresentation() if augment is True: self.augmentData()
def getViewpointRepresentation(self): self.viewPointRepresentation = {} for viewpoint in self.viewpoints: self.viewPointRepresentation[viewpoint] = [] for data in temp = self.dataToViewpoint(data, self.viewpoints) if self.deleteDuplicates and temp["pitch"] in self.viewPointRepresentation["pitch"]: print("We found a duplicate, we ignore it. We encourage you to check your dataset with -c 1") else: for viewpoint in self.viewpoints: self.viewPointRepresentation[viewpoint].append(temp[viewpoint])
[docs] def dataToViewpoint(self, score, viewpoints): """ Function returning the viewpoint representation of the data for a given viewpoint. We separate the computations for different viewpoints so it's easy to add some. If you want to add viewpoints you just have to change this function. :param vector: Vector to work with :param viewpoints: list of viewpoints :type vector: list of int, or numpy array :type viewpoints: list of strings :return: dictionnary """ representation = {} if "length" in viewpoints: representation["length"] = score.duration[:-1] if "pitch" in viewpoints: representation["pitch"] = score.pitch if "interval" in viewpoints: representation["interval"] = list(np.diff(score.pitch)) if "velocity" in viewpoints: representation["velocity"] = score.velocity return representation
[docs] def augmentData(self): """ Augments the data with some techniques like transposition. """ self.augmentByTransposition() self.augmentRythm()
[docs] def augmentRythm(self, threshold_fast=10, threshold_slow=24): """ Augment data by playing the pieces faster or slower """ augmented = [] for elem in self.viewPointRepresentation["length"]: if np.mean(elem) > threshold_slow: augmented.append(np.round(np.array(elem)/2).astype(int)) augmented.append(np.round(np.array(elem)/4).astype(int)) elif np.mean(elem) < threshold_fast: augmented.append(np.array(elem)*2) augmented.append(np.array(elem)*4) elif np.mean(elem) > (threshold_slow - threshold_fast)//2: augmented.append(np.round(np.array(elem)/2).astype(int)) elif np.mean(elem) < (threshold_slow - threshold_fast)//2: augmented.append(np.round(np.array(elem)*2).astype(int)) self.viewPointRepresentation["length"].extend(augmented)
def augmentByTransposition(self): augmented = [] for elem in self.viewPointRepresentation["pitch"]: for t in range(-6,6): augmented.append(np.array(elem) + t) self.viewPointRepresentation["pitch"] = augmented
[docs] def save(self, path="../DataBase/Serialized/"): """Saves the database as a pickle. :param path: The path to the folder in which we save the file, optional. :type path: str """ answer = "y" if os.path.isfile('.data'): print(path + + ".data" + " " + " already exists, do you want to replace it ? (Y/n)") answer = input() while answer not in ["", "y", "n"]: print("We didn't understand, please type enter, 'y' or 'n'") answer = input() if answer in ["", "y"]: os.remove( + '.data') if answer in ["", "y"]: print("____ Saving database ...") f = open( + '.data', 'wb') pickle.dump(, f) f.close() print() print("The new database is saved.") else: print() print("We kept the old file.")
[docs] def load(self, path): """Loads a database from a previously saved pickle. :param path: The path to the folder containing the data. :type path: str """ if not os.path.isfile(path): print("The path you entered doesn't point to a file ...") raise RuntimeError("Invalid file path") try: = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb')) print("We successfully loaded the database.") print() except (RuntimeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as error: print("The file you provided is not valid ...") raise RuntimeError("Invalid file")
[docs] def print(self): """Prints the names of all items in the database.""" print("_____ Printing database") print() for i in range(len( print(" - ",[i].name)
[docs] def addFile(self, file): """ Parse a midi file :param file: file to parse :type file: string """ self.getViewpointRepresentation()
[docs] def addFiles(self, files, augmentation=True): """ Parse a list of midi file :param files: files to parse :type file: list of string """ for file in files: print("__", file) print("___ Constructing viewPoint representation") self.getViewpointRepresentation() if augmentation: print("_____ Augmenting database ...") print() self.augmentData()
[docs] def addScore(self, s): """ Parse a midi file and return an internal representation :param file: file to parse :type file: string """ if isinstance(s, myMidi.Score): self.getViewpointRepresentation() else: print("This object you gave is not a score object, we cannot import it.")
[docs] def getData(self, viewpoint): """ Return data for a given viewpoint :param viewpoint: viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints()) :type viewpoint: string :return: np.array((nbOfPieces, lengthMax)) """ if viewpoint not in AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS: raise ValueError("We do not know this viewpoint.") elif viewpoint not in self.viewpoints: raise ValueError("We did not parse the data for this given viewpoint, try to specify it at creation of the object.") elif == []: print("The data contains no items, you probably forget to parse this object.") return [] return self.viewPointRepresentation[viewpoint]
def plotScores(self): dat = [] k = 0 for viewpoint in self.viewPointRepresentation: dat.append([]) for score in self.viewPointRepresentation[viewpoint]: if viewpoint == "length": dat[k].append(np.mean(score)) elif viewpoint == "pitch": dat[k].append(np.mean(np.diff(score))) k += 1 plt.scatter(dat[0][:len(dat[1])],dat[1]) plt.title('Database') plt.xlabel('Average 1-note interval') plt.ylabel('Average note onset') def getScoresFeatures(self): dat = [] k = 0 for viewpoint in self.viewPointRepresentation: dat.append([]) for score in self.viewPointRepresentation[viewpoint]: if viewpoint == "length": dat[k].append(np.mean(score)) elif viewpoint == "pitch": dat[k].append(np.mean(np.diff(score))) k += 1 return dat, self.files
[docs] def getScore(self, viewPoint, name): """ Return data for a given viewpoint and score :param viewPoint: viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints()) :param name: name of the score (by default name of the file) :type viewPoint: string :type name: string :return: np.array(lengthMax) """ for d in if == name: return d.getData()
[docs] def getSizeofPiece(self, piece): """ Returns the size of a given piece from its index :param piece: index of a piece :type piece: int :return: length of the piece (int) """ return len(self.viewPointRepresentation[AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS[0]][piece])
[docs] def getNote(self, viewPoint, name, t): """ Return data for a given viewpoint, score and index :param viewPoint: viewpoint (cf data.availableViewPoints()) :param name: name of the score (by default name of the file) :param t: index :type viewPoint: string :type name: string :type t: integer :return: integer corresponding to the note (cf. data.intToNote()) """ return self.getScore(viewPoint, name)[t]
[docs] def availableViewPoints(self): """ Return the list of available viewPoints :return: list of strings """ return AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS
[docs] def getSize(self): """ Returns the number of exemples """ return len(self.getData(AVAILABLE_VIEWPOINTS[0]))